Wednesday, November 07, 2001

As I deal with the realities, Im continuing reading for experience and enjoyment...

While I do (Experience: Design Literacy (continued) , Enjoyment: Sandman - Book 1 Preludes and Nocturnes), here are some randoms...

9:15 pm
Atlantic Avenue/Pacific Avenue Subway Station, Brooklyn

Bayonne Bridge over the Kill Van Kull
Bayonne, NJ
(Looking into Staten Island, NY)

"Kill" in this case, is dutch for "stream".

The Kill Van Kull is the body of water seperating Staten Island and New Jersey, linking the New York Bay and Newark Bay, the busiest commercial port on the East Coast.

When its not cold and windy, its a sight watching the massive ocean-going ships glide by up close and personal.

Macy's Dept Store
Broadway and 34th Street

Sterling and Nostrand
Crown Heights, Brooklyn

14th and Broadway
Union Square

Union Square Dog Run

SI Ferry American Legion
Upper New York Bay

Whitehall Station
Lower Manhattan

Whitehall Ferry Terminal
Battery Park, Lower Manhattan


A reason Bloomberg won....

Support your local library y'all.

For all its given me in the last few months.. I will be.

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