Wednesday, April 10, 2002

With the annual removal of DayLight Savings Time, the mornings dont feel so weird down here.. where the sun is high in the sky at 6am.

Up north, it may be a different story.. but *cough* who cares? :-)

Random sunrises

I dunno what the deal is with Krispy Kremes. To me theyre just crappy, overly sweet doughnuts I avoided for years when I lived in Jacksonville.

Whats changed?

I actually preferred the donuts from WinDixie.

Surprised me too.

Yeah, and this is what it looks like pretty much every morn out my bedroom window...

Pretty much like this every morn.

So to break the monotony..

Heres a sunset:

You know youve lived in New York too long when:

A nosh attack hits.

You raid the kitchen for a midnight nosh..

You put together a nosh package of bagels, cream cheese and salty smoked salmon.

At midnight.

And you dont think thats weird.


Oh yeah, and you use the word 'nosh' in casual conversation...

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