Sunday, September 08, 2002

The problem with Faeries.

As I go along, I trust my instincts.

Its not always fun. Trust me on this.

But to see faeries, you often have to be patient and Believe, in spite of your doubts.

Just gotta accept that people are gonna look at you funny and call you names behind your back..
The sun was setting, I was tired, cold and weary of taking pictures.

I just wanted to get going again.

But I wandered to the corner and looked around. The portland light rail car came and I went on.

I scanned the route map above the door inside, and saw where I needed to get off.

I knew the destination when I saw it.

I got off at the Chinatown stop, looked around. The signs said Chinatown was to my left.

So I went to my right.

I sorta stumbled back to the riverfront park, looking for something while not looking.

I crossed the Notai highway, and then I saw the metal green cylinder with the faces.

I knew why I was there.
Brian is proud of his japanese-american Issei roots. Intensely so.

And when I saw the plaque, I knew I was there to take pictures.

To give him a reason. And maybe more.

The Japanese American Bill of Rights Memorial

Yeah, I trust my instincts.

No, I dont believe in faeries.

But that doesnt mean they dont exist.

Thats the problem with 'em.

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