Friday, October 11, 2002

Inside the temple

The Powerbooks power cord flashed a hot white-blue spark, and died a pretty death.

This is why I am writing this from The Temple, the seminal Apple Store in Palo Alto.. being firm and stern with the help to replace the %@%%! powercord, which ironically, was itself replaced under a recall to replace AC adapters that were prone to catching fire.


Of course, I got the expected Apple equivalent of a gallic shrug when I first went to the the parts and service department (aka The Genius Bar).
Hey, Ive been an IT manager for too long to be cowed by 'No' from a functionary. Even ones wit attitude.

After a smile and a refusal to leave until I walked out with a functioning AC adapter, one was found for me. By the manager.

Rule no 2 for getting what you want. Deal with someone who has the power and discretion to make things happen.

And don't take shit from nobody.
From a previous visit

Ok, now I can get back to work.

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