Friday, September 26, 2003

To Live and Work in LA

"I just finished reading a book called 'How To Be An Actor in Los Angeles' ".
"Yeah, what did it say you should do.."
"Hmm, lessee - To find a job, treat hunting for acting work as a job, stash away money, work hard, fail a lot, get your union card..."
"Be sexually promiscuous."
"Nooo, I dont think it covered that. :-)"
"Its one of the unwritten rules in Los Angeles."
"Gotta screw your way up, eh."
"Yup. F'rinstance, remember Victoria Principal?"
"Well, before 'Falcon Crest', she was William Holden's house toy."
"House toy?"
"Yeah. He had her f*** anyone who came to her house as hospitality. When she became a big movie star, she was suddenly Miss Goodie Two-Shoes."
"No exceptions, eh?"
"Few and far between my man, few and far between..."

As I checked the book out, the library clerk said, grinning..

"Say hello to Denzel for me."
"Huh? Oh. Nah, Im just reading it for research. Im no actor."
"Still, if you see him.."


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