Monday, January 26, 2004

DooWhatYooLike *

"Ok Katy, gimme a good reason to blow off my responsibilities today."

"Heh. Ok Joe, you have been working SO hard, you DESERVE a break from those crushing duties. Go ahead and take the day off."

"Heehee. Aright, one more time with passion - so I'll actually be convinced.."

"Actually, I think you should take care of that stuff today."

"Youre lousy at this game, dear. :-)"

So, I just blew off what I really didnt wanna do this morn. Eh.

Let' see how the day turns out, if my instinct is right.
Like my archetype, The Dragon.. I will get irritated at The Silly People and promptly throw a growly, flame-thrown snit fit.

And I wont give a flying @^#^@ *what* people will think.

Soon after, I will wonder if I didnt over-react a tad.

The relationship between me and LeGirl never got back on track after I threw one early in the relationship.

After the snit-fit, my rational side re-asserts itself, perspective is regained achieved, and I will appreciate there was NEVER a need to get that mad.

WHY I got mad is usually valid. But GETTING mad usually turns out to be .. stupid.

Yeah, but pure logic isnt always satisfying.

A snit fit often is.

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