I took my coffee outside in the golden but chilled sun to enjoy the light and the air, reading while the coffee lasted.
A little ways through Kara Swisher's "There MUST Be A Pony In Here Somewhere", an account of my old employer, Steve Case and AOL, I had an epiphany.
It was for the first time in a very long time that Ive had this feeling.
I was untroubled not having a computer or online connection.
Not a whit.
And when I was done with my coffee, I closed the book and went on into the brilliant sunshine.
Does this mean I wont be buying more machinery? Not at all.
But it does make me ponder if I may not need to put limits upon my time upon a computer.
Years ago, I remember a party Kate threw and as she led me into the maw of the mix (she knows how anti-sociable I could be.. Ive improved over the years), she went "No No Joey, NO computers tonight" as she felt me resisting and heading to her Mac.
Maybe I should start limiting my computer life, make it a habit, to allow room for .... life.
Not carry a laptop around with me 24/7. Restrict my professional exposure to working hours and only when necessary.
This may be beneficial.
For nigh on 12 years, except for periods of unwilling and grudging computer deprivation, Ive never been away from one for more than hours at a time.
As Ive grown to not like watching a lot of TV, and liking the benefits (reading, getting out and about and going to sleep more), yeah, I think this might be necessary.
Its not gonna be easy tho....
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