Wednesday, September 29, 2004

droptop daydreams

I believe
my first ride in a convertible was a friend in high school.

He had a MGB GT. Riding around in it was.. hmm. I think I didnt particularly care for it.

I think the noise and the sun beating down on me was the part I didnt care for.

I love sunroofs tho. Didnt buy a car without one, if i could help it.

Never bought a convertible tho.

However, being here in cali - convertibles makes sense. Its not really about the weather, just the wide open scenery and sky.

And it'd be a great platform for taking pictures from.

However, being older and *cough* wiser, I wouldnt want a MGB or old english car. Nor an older american convertible, having learned the hard way that they will nickle and dime you to death.

I kinda like the swedish convertibles from saab and volvo, although the concept of a 'swedish convertible' still makes me giggle.

The only japanese one Id consider is a miata, but its a tad small.

But, Im a german car kinda guy, so now we're talking. i like all the VW's, although fred calls the Cabriolets "bitch buggies".
Yeah, it's kinda girly, but Ive seen thuggish ruggish dudes in Atlanta loving them.

Nah, the ones I stare at appreciatively the most are the BMW convertibles.

When i was in high school, they were indeed only for the offspring of the rich and fatuous, but now - I wouldnt mind one.

And this time lapse video of a drive from LA to NY (via manuel) makes me want one very badly now.
I find myself not daydreaming nowadays.

Instead my reveries usually have me writing or planning or analyzing, rather than just letting my dreams go.

maybe its an older thing.

But right now, Id rather daydream to keep myself from thinking about the serious things I need to think about.

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