Thursday, August 07, 2003

Looking past what you can see

mistahB: morning jp
JPennant: mornin Mistah B
JPennant: how goes it?
mistahB: purdy good actually! you?
JPennant: hangin in there :-)
JPennant: gonna go fer acupuncture in a minute
mistahB: ok
mistahB: find a place to hold your booty yet?
JPennant: heheh.. a bank? nah, not yet
JPennant: One step at a time
JPennant: Im more concerned about the basics
mistahB: like a place to lie your head, and food to eat?
JPennant: actually no :-)
JPennant: keeping my clothes clean
JPennant: Hell, I cant go hungry here in Berkeley
mistahB: i guess everyone has a different def. of "basics"
JPennant: yeah, your priorities do change
JPennant: sometimes you take the basics for granted
JPennant: clean clothes and comfortable footwear are my basics right now
mistahB: that's good about getting a meal there. why is that so much easier in Berkley?
JPennant: They have well established programs for the low-income and homeless here
JPennant: if you need to eat, its here
JPennant: breakfast, lunch and dinner
mistahB: that's good, i was just wondering why it is set up so well there, and not in most other places
JPennant: because most folk here have been homeless at one point or another
JPennant: let me emphasize the "most folk" part, even the rich
JPennant: so there is a tradition of helping, because a good number of folk have 'been there'
JPennant: Berkeley is an odd little place
JPennant: Expensive, yes
mistahB: yeah, just wondering who pays for it all
JPennant: heheh. youre such a republican ;-)
JPennant: you should wonder, who DOES it all
JPennant: As I said, the folk here have heart
JPennant: I see people roll up and donate food, clothes and whatnot to the various programs
mistahB: haha, nah more of an economist, knowing that if something goes out, something has to also go in
JPennant: yes, some is governemnt supported, but not to the extent that you might believe
JPennant: there are folk who go to the People's park, donating clothes and money
mistahB: i figure it has to be more than the govt because they don't really do all that much for the less fortunate
JPennant: nah, it wouldnt work if it were simply a governemnt program
JPennant: see, the most eye-opening thing I realized
JPennant: is that 'the homeless' are us
JPennant: most arent alcoholic bums and crazy people
JPennant: I would say a good HALF of the people I meet
JPennant: and I say *half*, man, woman, black, white
JPennant: are either sleeping on the streets, on couches or being put up by friends
JPennant: thats homeless
mistahB: that's great that there's so much support there :-)
mistahB: i just can't see that in most urban areas.. maybe i'm just jaded
JPennant: there are a lot of folk who are simply giving back
JPennant: you havent had to go thru it
mistahB: that's true
JPennant: so you dont 'see'
JPennant: more than likely I'll spend part of my time volunteering myself wherever I go
JPennant: just to give back

mistahB: i know i've been lucky to have not had any financial hardships
JPennant: its hard to have a zen perspective without having had been without
JPennant: who knows, you might end up doing some volunterrring down in Skid Row ;-)
JPennant: *kekekeke
JPennant: :-)
mistahB: hmm, don't know about that, but i've always wanted to do something for the community
JPennant: well, does your church have any outreach programs?
mistahB: not sure if it does. can't recall anything except for occasional "projects"
JPennant: Its amazing the perspective you get simply by serving some meals to people grateful for it or (as they do at one program here) wash their feet.
JPennant: Ive done some of that
mistahB: yeah, that would be quite humbling i'm sure
JPennant: no, not humbling
JPennant: but you do get to see , and feel, more
JPennant: it is uncomfortable for a lot of people
JPennant: and so some of the kids here are encouraged to help out
JPennant: by parents who dont forget what they went through
mistahB: yeah, i'm sure my sons eyes would be opened, as well as mine to see how lucky he is
JPennant: some programs could use the occasional help
JPennant: and not just money or donated things
JPennant: (tax writeoffs)

JPennant: hmm. I should go for my acupuncture
JPennant: I'll talk atcha latah pa :-)
mistahB: ok, enjoy!
mistahB: thanks for the insight
mistahB: i'll definitely have to do something with it ;-)
JPennant: cool cool :-)
JPennant: Im glad

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