Thursday, July 01, 2004

Cash for kidneys and beans

tishdiablo: joey!
JPennant: tish!
tishdiablo: how are you?
JPennant: no worries :-)
JPennant: you?
tishdiablo: i'm doing good too... thanks
tishdiablo: anyways.. how's everything going? the pics?
JPennant: Im looking to raise cash now so that I can get a camera within the month
tishdiablo: ah
tishdiablo: how're you planning on raising cash? and how much do you need?
JPennant: get a job, sell a kidney :-)
tishdiablo: get a job.. but don't sell a kidney
tishdiablo: cuz nothing's worth your kidney
JPennant: meh
JPennant: :-)
tishdiablo: how much money do you need though?
JPennant: I need the camera more than the money
tishdiablo: yeah so how much is the camera?
JPennant: $400 range
JPennant: however
JPennant: cameras are coming down in price
JPennant: so, Id be able to get one for less
JPennant: say I bought it on ebay
tishdiablo: nice
JPennant: I dont care if last years model ;-)
tishdiablo: well.. where do you think you'll get a job.. i mean are you looking for a 9-5 (which isn't really you)
tishdiablo: you'd do so well in a bookstore :-) and you'd help people too
JPennant: LoL
JPennant: I once worked in a bookstore
tishdiablo: you did?!
tishdiablo: no way
JPennant: sure. that was on my list of things to do in my lifetime.
JPennant: I used to think I wanted to OWN a bookstore
JPennant: now, I realize that wasnt what I really wanted
JPennant: now I want to PRODUCE books
tishdiablo: hmmm
JPennant: so, the type of work Im looking for is related to that
tishdiablo: cool cool
JPennant: Im about to send off a resume to these guys

tishdiablo: wow this sounds really interesting
tishdiablo: and $13 an hour isn't bad at all
JPennant: specially if thats the kind of industry you want to learn from top to bottom
tishdiablo: true
JPennant: but, Im flexible
JPennant: Although THIS would be tres interesting ;-)
JPennant: cept my driving record is crap ;-)
tishdiablo: hehe
tishdiablo: well..
JPennant: no, seriously, as you said tho - 9 to 5 is not me
tishdiablo: yup. its so not you.. you need your freedom and time to be creative
JPennant: yep
tishdiablo: joey i've got to go to a meeting.. i'll see you later?
JPennant: yup
tishdiablo: you take care.. and be safe
JPennant: be good :-)
tishdiablo: hehe
tishdiablo: bye
JPennant: latah :-)

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