Saturday, December 01, 2001

It is 10 or 12 blocks, give or take a few, between my apartment and the Bayonne Public Library.

When I started, I would often take the bus. Once I ran outta surplus cash, well I hadda hoof it.

Man, I hated it.

Often I was sweating and out of breath by the time I got there or got back home.

Now, I dont even notice the time it takes to go to and fro. I even feel refreshed, often.

Bayonne looks ... unremarkable ... even to those who live here - with most of the buildings never passing 3 stories in height, and most clad in Sears Aluminum Siding.

But, I tend to pay attention and I take note of patterns.

Bayonne is a smallish town, yes - but far from unremarkable.

In truth, I think it is unremarkable because - the people here LIKE it that way.

No. 'Like' would be an exaggeration. 'Prefer' would be more accurate.

And in truth, in their own quiet way - the people here are far from unremarkable.

As they are everywhere.

If you pay attention to the patterns.
Randoms from my walks.

Who sez grandmothers *shouldnt* wear leather?

She was buying balls of dough from the bakery for thanksgiving, if I remember correctly...

NY Yankees on an american flag.
Defines 'hubris", dont it....

I should walk more.

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