Now that its fall, I can deal with the cool SF weather. But the natives seem to be in a state of denial about it.
Someone even exclaimed that she was melting when the temps were barely over the 80's.
However, there are people willing to admit to reality..
AFTER THE NOVELTY of a very late summer wears off, San Franciscans get cranky in what we flatter ourselves is a heat wave -- which, in fairness, would be known in most parts of the country as a warm couple of weeks.
we just aren't cut out for airless nights and baking sidewalks; we slump, disconsolate, over iced coffees and secretly wish for fog.
Hoo hoo.
Now, Its not BAD weather here, by no means, the temps dont really stray to the extremes (except for the desert-like extremes between daily highs and lows).. but dont piss up my skirt and tell me its sunshine.
High in UV goodness
That said, the California sunshine is incredible. It doesnt have the shaded subtleties of Florida light, but its brightness and clarity is awe-inspiring, giving most reflected surfaces an intensity that filmakers and nudists crave.
Also, with its high UV doses, Im indulging in a luxury that I havent been able to do in years.. hang my clothes out for that sun dried freshness.
Fabreze aint got nuthin on that open air goodness. :-)
I think I need some prescription sunglasses.

Yah, California sunshine.. ;-)