Saturday, January 05, 2008

Yellow carpet

Yellow carpet, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Ginkgo leaves stripped after the storm

5 Top Photoshop Tips

5 Top Photoshop Tips, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Digital SLR User (UK)

Lombard Street crossing

Lombard Street crossing, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Rainy in Frisco

Rainy in Frisco, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Rainy in Frisco

Rainy in Frisco, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

The storm didnt stop the tourists from riding the cable cars

Friday, January 04, 2008

Storm damage

Storm damage, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

A common sight around Northern California today, as hurricane force winds from a storm system spanning 3 countries toppled trees and trucks alike.

Rainy in Frisco

Rainy in Frisco, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

In line

In line, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Not snow nor rain nor having to ride the cable car shall keep the mailman from his appointed rounds

In SF, mail carriers often use public transportation...

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Dew on the post-holiday Poinsettias

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

It's 2008. No more pussyfooting.

New Year resolutions. Oh yeah...

Usually I make one major theme and go with it, but this time - Im impatient. I want things to GET GOING this year.

  • - Make (not merely earn) good money.
  • - Work the way I want to.
  • - Approach things with a combination of passion, discipline and high standards.
  • - Travel more, go overseas for the first time since my teens.

There are other things and details, but Im keeping those within me.

2008 is a gonna be a good year, I feel it in my bones. And if it isnt - Im gonna make it so. ;)

Happy New Year from San Francisco

Monday, December 31, 2007

Panda Bigglesworth

Panda Bigglesworth, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Next year's outlook....

Take your work ethic into the New Year. You stay until the job is done — it's a matter of pride, and it's a matter of dignity. That said, if there's one thing to leave in the past, it's your tendency to settle for too low a wage.

Take your instinct about what is truly valuable with you into the New Year. And what you can leave back in 2007 is your fear that you are unworthy of it. Repeat: "I am worthy of the things I desire."

I can honestly say, next year feels like a breakthrough year.

Focus, discipline and high standards are the watchwords for the New Year.

Yeah, I have resolutions for the New Year, but theyre more goals than resolutions. Resolutions are wishes and intentions, goals are benchmarks.

It's looking good.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lights on the water

Lights on the water, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Union Square, SF

Union Square, SF, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Store closing

Store closing, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

I used to shop @ CompUSA all the time in the 90's, rarely going there since the end of the last decade. I last bought a external hard drive case from them about 2 years ago, preferring to get what I need on the Internet.

I doubt most folk will miss them.

Holiday season in SF

Holiday season in SF, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

city street

city street, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

The Citroen DS gives any street character.