"Do Not Mess With Dragons.
For you are crunchy and good with ketchup."
Jeez. Where did the week go?
What did I do?
Nuthin much. People are looking at me funny again like I have no ambition or summat.
Oh yeah this week. I insulted Kate with The Wrong Thing to Say #2.
"Youre a bad friend because..."
Ahh JEEZ. I was just playing, bustin her chops. But her feelings are hurt now, and when my pal broods - you know Ive Gone Too Far.
This month.
(Used to be every week, but we've gotten better over the years.)
See, she REALLY works at being a good friend.
Devastates her to hear otherwise.
Which meant my smiley mug was on the next day to Make Nice to My Dear Dear Friend.
Cuz, you know.. a Dragoness never forgets.
k a t e how ya doin
JPennant :-D
JPennant feelin good
k a t e glad to hear
JPennant :-D
k a t e even though i am a bad friend...i still like to hear that my friends are doing well
Uh oh.
*engage laff-it-off-damage-control-to-melt-ice NOW. Move! Move!*. And SMILE when you try to grovel, dammit.
JPennant If you were TRULY so horrible, I wouldnt be talkin to ya, silly
JPennant sheesh
JPennant sensitive
k a t e well, you motivated me to send flowers to my grandmother...i figured..if i am bad friend...i will be a GREAT grandaughter!
JPennant heheheh
JPennant good
*snip part where I throw gasoline onto the coals of a Dragoness's hurt. Shit, I coulda sworn it was the foam of sweetness. *
JPennant but you are loyal
JPennant one of my most loyal friends
JPennant and when we disagree, you make sure we STAY friends
JPennant and that alone is a lot more than most people are willing to give.
k a t e but, still i AM a bad friend
No, no.. this is GOOD. Lemme work...
JPennant let me put it this way
JPennant sometimes you let friendships die
JPennant to let new friends in
JPennant so every so often, you let people go as you drift apart
JPennant and so you ask yourself
JPennant "Would I care if theyre gone?"
JPennant If the answer is "not really", you wish em well and move on
JPennant If Im burdensome, I would expect you to let me loose
JPennant you dont HAVE to be my friend
JPennant but
k a t e ok- i got your point:-) i know what you're saying
JPennant Youre my friend hon
JPennant for good or bad
JPennant And Im honored to be considered a friend of yours.
Now. Watch the replay of me screwing it up... slow motion...
JPennant Even if you talk bad about me from time to time ;-)
JPennant heheh
Ah SHIT SHIT SHIT. I KNEW that was gasoline the moment I threw it on there.
Well, let the flames rise up.
k a t e shut up
k a t e when do i talk bad about you?
JPennant Never, as far as I know.
k a t e exactly'
k a t e i dont
JPennant Everyone tells me you have my back
k a t e i dont usually go around gossiping about people, first of all.
k a t e i get annoyed and talk my problems via with people..
JPennant I know
k a t e but, i dont go around bad mouthing people
JPennant nope, you sure dont
Dude. Its cool. Ive GOT this. Chill.
JPennant have you forgotten we used to work with a common set of folk?
k a t e yeah
k a t e what does 'got my back' mean
k a t e i am taking it as a good thing...
JPennant it is
k a t e ok
JPennant If they start saying bad things about me, after awhile you start rebutting them. Nicely, but its like "BACK OFF him"
JPennant Lets just say they were highly impressed.
And the best part, all true.
k a t e good
JPennant yup
JPennant trust me, its the stuff you think I DONT know is why I consider you My Friend ;-)
JPennant plus, you help me in all sorts of way, that frankly, I would be hard pressed to do without
k a t e :-)
k a t e the same to you
JPennant there would be a definite hole in my life without you, Kate S*******
JPennant even if you think Im silly and dangerous to my own well being ;-)
JPennant when push comes to shove, you back me up.
JPennant And for that, you are Up There.
k a t e :-D
JPennant :-D
Again, all true.
Now, it must be noted that Im not entirely out of Dog House territory just yet. Ive got some nice nice to work with until I get the full Dragon warmth again.
Or *I* get mad at her. (We sometimes take turns.)
But no matter.
She is my friend. :-)
And thats all that matters.