Saturday, October 07, 2006


recycle, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

This, in San Francisco believe it or not, is a public service so that folk who collect bottles for cash can get to them.


billboard, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Friday, October 06, 2006

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.


ubergeekmobile, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

reflection on a honda

reflection on a honda, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

face in the crowd

face in the crowd, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Fact: The most overdue book in the world was borrowed from Sidney Sussex College in England and was returned 288 years later.

Red Bull Mini

Red Bull Mini, originally uploaded by Itinerant.


placque, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Something I came across:

Opportunities are rarely convenient.

They also don?t announce their presence at the top of their lungs, come knocking at your door, or rearrange themselves to order. Very often they are awkward, poorly timed, require extra work, and you ought to think yourself damn lucky to get them (because they are rare and valuable). See them for what they are; not gold plated opportunities, but oysters with rare pearls underneath the goo.

Go with my logic and look elsewhere or go with my intuition and roll with it?

MisterB: eh, don't put all your eggs in one fryer
JPennant: heh, no never that
MisterB: i'm just saying that sometimes you don't get what you want, and maybe something better for YOU may still be out there
MisterB: it happens all the time
JPennant: oh absolutely
JPennant: but my logic is warring with my instinct
MisterB: then just satisfy both of them then
JPennant: i trust my intuition more than i trust my logic :-)
MisterB: well, just dont set yourself up for failure, and then make excuses for it, when you could have easily had success
JPennant: very true
MisterB: you know, that fear of success thing ;-)
JPennant: indeed :-)

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Fact: Cocaine was the first local anaesthetic; being used as such from about 1884 onwards.

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Monday, October 02, 2006

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

fire scene

fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

SOMA fire scene

SOMA fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

fire scene

fire scene, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Bay Bridge afternoon

Bay Bridge afternoon, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

fog layer

fog layer, originally uploaded by Itinerant.


meat, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Candy striper

Candy striper, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

cameras are sexay

cameras are sexay, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Friday Nite at Valencia and 16th

The Next One

The Next One, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Today's horrorscope:

When push comes to shove, you can move just about anything out of your way. Not only that, but any action you take now will set a very solid foundation for your future. Don't be afraid to take your time.

New beginnings can be kind of scary sometimes. If you are entering into any new relationships, new business ventures or new journeys today, you can expect a bumpy, but very interesting, ride. Do not let this dissuade you from moving forward. You are entering a phase where challenges will enrich you like never before. Remember that forewarned is forearmed. Take comfort in your ability to handle any curveball thrown your way!

Things to do, things to do....