Living well is a dish best served cold
A maxim I made up myself:
"People dont give respect until one can demonstrate accomplishment and or wealth. It's human nature."
I should copyright that fucker.
I looked at my nicely mounted work last night, graciously accepting compliments ...
"You should do this for a living."
No shit, I thought.
There have been times when Ive wanted to beg for help, and recently I have. Against my better judgement.
Know the old joke about how its easier for the rich to get loans?
Then you know what kind of direct help Ive received.
Which is fine, for its better doing it by myself. It makes the results that much sweeter.
Heh, and those who offer help? Except for the people who I know their word to be bond, I tend to be skeptical at most of that Good Intentions rot.
Ive been accused of having Trust and Control Issues.
No kidding.
Excuse me if I sound a tad bitter, but the chip on my shoulder is hard to remove. It also motivates me to do things my way.
Plus, if you go around expecting to be help, pretty soon one starts believing he or she is entitled to it.
Nah, not me.
Im entitled to squat.
Thats why there is a bittersweet feeling whenever I look at the things Ive accomplished.
Ive EARNED it.
The hard way.
"You TOOK these pictures???"
Its very hard not to stifle a growl at that statement...
I swear, there are people who think Im passing off other people's work as my own.
So yeah, that irritates me on several levels.
But thats ok. There's a lot more to come.
I couldnt have come this far without the help, encouragement, love and support of some very good folk.
Theyve kept my spirits up, given tangible support, been there when Ive been written off and shown the best of themselves, giving me faith by showing a little.
And bought me coffee. :-)
I am extremely grateful, and my efforts are partly dedicated to you all.
To you all, I say thank you.
I wont, and will never, forget.