Saturday, June 11, 2005

22 Fillmore

22 Fillmore, originally uploaded by Itinerant.


Traffic, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Thrift store shopping bliss

Thrift store shopping bliss, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Friday, June 10, 2005

22 Fillmore

22 Fillmore, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Once a geek ...

As a kid, before I'd even learned to drive, I was a car geek. I devoured back issues of Road & Track, Car & Driver, Motor Trend, AutoCar, Autoweek, CAR. My monthly copy of C&D would come, I would relax on the *ahem* throne and optically inhale the thing from masthead to classifieds.

Hell, at the age of 13, I could recite the specifications of a Bristol 602's ELECTRICAL system, never haven seen the car in my life.

I was also an airplane geek. I knew aviation backwards and forwards, able to name almost everything from Splads to Hinds and everything in between. I read the massive Jane's Aviation Annual tomes for FUN.


In college, I wondered why I was so into the Beau - so I became an Astrological Geek. I dove into the deep end there.

My computer Geekdom, didnt really kick in until my mid to late 20's. My First computer, I built, ending one day when I realized I had FIVE computers in my house. (Oh wait, i have four now, but only one is operational, so I feel Ive cut back.)
As you can see, when something catches my fancy, I dive in deep. If not, Im ever so lackadaisical.

I geek out.

Now, I realize Im a camera geek.

I wouldve been one much, much earlier... but photography had been an expensively disgusting habit, I couldnt afford to dive deep. And although the affordability and accessibility of digital has resparked my early interest, the high cost of good cameras, lenses and other accoutrements has kept me from really getting into it.

Today. It was today that It dawned on me that I am indeed a camera geek, because I saw a chica reading a Canon 20D manual. That was my entre for a convo. Man, i lit up.. and tho I can sociable, Im rarely THAT sociable unless I know the person.

I couldnt help myself.

You know - it might currently be kool and somewhat hip to call oneself a geek, but I dont think anyone REALLY wants to be a geek.

Frankly, I dont really want to be one either.

Hollywood & Vine

Hollywood & Vine, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Today's horrorscope sez:
You're feeling expansive -- big ideas and lots of love to give. Your schedule and job could be cramping your style, or even worse, constricting your soul! Figure out how to free up some time and energy so you can embrace the new.

Maybe I just need to get outta town.

(Practising my 'Hang Loose, brah' hand sign. Gah.. pinkie won't co-operate.)

Reading the paper

Reading the paper, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

(SF Bay Guardian)

Wow. Student discounts have gotten better over the years...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Rainy in Frisco

Rainy in Frisco, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Chica @ Borders

Chica @ Borders, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

I told her I loved the hair. She was gracious about holding the pose for me. :)

49 VanNess

49 VanNess, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

As a SF native said last night..

"What the hell is it doing raining in JUNE??"

Around here, rainy weather is synonymous with Winter, roughly between November & February.

Since Ive been here, the hills are usually turning brown in June.


Traffic, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

News @ Borders

News @ Borders, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Rainy in Frisco

Rainy in Frisco, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Rainy in Frisco

Rainy in Frisco, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

This weeks horrorscope for Virgo

This weeks horrorscope for Virgo

For the week of 6/8 - 6/15 (SF Bay Guardian)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Street shadows

Street shadows, originally uploaded by Itinerant.


Rose, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

LA Metro

LA Metro, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Over-dressed for the weather? - Check.
Catching up on sleep in the midday? - Check.
Carrying more than one bag stuffed? - Check.

Euphimism? - Residentially challenged.

Just cause someone doesnt look homeless, doesnt mean you know what theyre going through...

Last year, talking to a Thai lady who had come up to Northern Cali to sell her wares at a Asian Pacific Festival in berkeley:

"Where do you live?"
"Long Beach"
"Do you see anyone who live in shelters down there?"
"Nooo, we dont have that kind of stuff down there."

That woman was either clueless or in denial.

Most people are.

Venice Beach

Venice Beach, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Surf School

Found out later there is a surf school (or several) in Venice Beach.

The instructor never took off his hat the whole time.

California Sushi Academy

California Sushi Academy, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

California Sushi Academy

Normally, Id laff, but hey.. good sushi is an art.

(Venice Beach)

The Queen Mary

The Queen Mary, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Foggy in Frisco

Foggy in Frisco, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Foggy in Frisco

Foggy in Frisco, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Crissy Field

Crissy Field, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

From the LA Times Southern California Survival Guide:

Blogger If someone with too much time on his hands calls you something awful on his website?say, a Dale Earnhardt Jr. groupie or a remorseless wasabi junkie?it's as libelous and as actionable as if someone called you that in this magazine. If the insult isn't that clear-cut, or you're not prepared to go nuclear, you might try a maneuver suggested by Ken Layne, editor of the news blog Set up your own blog devoted to your many sterling qualities, and get all your friends to contribute. "That way, their compliments will drive the other guy's criticism way down your Google listings," Layne says.

Hahaha. Yeah, right. :)

Further bon mots:

A Toxic Relationship Make a clean, decisive break, says psychologist Charlie Unger, who has a practice in La Cañada. "None of this 'let's still be friends' stuff," he says. "Don't try to hang on, or let them try to hang on. This is the antithesis of healing. If you really want to be friends, give it a full year of separation. And then, if you still want to, you can get back in touch."

Yes indeedy. This falls under the category of "Something my momma shoula told me when I was a toddler".


Multi-Tasking Freeway Driver If the guy in the next lane is engrossed in his newspaper, don't honk your horn to get his mind back on the road. He might lurch into road rage mode. Burch suggests that you note the guy's license number, location and direction of travel, and report it to the CHP on its nonemergency number. The CHP will "at least try to contact the registered owner of that vehicle," says Officer Tomiekia Johnson, who does these phone follow-ups. "They're usually astonished we'd track them down."

Public Display of Consensual Sex You can watch passively, marvel at the bad manners of homo urbanus or call the police. In Los Angeles it's a misdemeanor to touch the genitals of another person for the purposes of sexual arousal in public places. Other jurisdictions have similar statutes.

So. Would public dry humping be a crime?

Ocean Beach

Ocean Beach, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Ocean Beach

Ocean Beach, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Ocean Beach

Looking from the sand dunes on the beach up thru the Sunset District, past Sunset Heights to the Sutro Tower, the highest point in San Francisco. (I think)

Monday, June 06, 2005

Fire at the Corner of 15th & Dolores

37 Corbett

37 Corbett, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

37 Corbett

The bus to take for the best views in the city.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Bus Ad

Bus Ad, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Fire at the Corner of 15th & Dolores

Happy Birthday, Poo

Life is forever young for Gemini.

Much luv, my friend.

Corner of 15th & Dolores

Corner of 15th & Dolores, originally uploaded by Itinerant.