I miss my camera.
From The Strange California Journey Of Ramona White
The first sign of trouble came when I tried to tell my friends.
"Don't you love each other?" they asked.
"Yes," I said.
"You have fun together?"
"Yes," I said.
"Then why split up?" they asked. And asked. And asked.
"Because it will be time," I insisted.
But I might as well have been talking to a doorstop. I had no words to make them understand.
"Is it wrong?" I had asked Rick. "Is it wrong to cut someone loose to travel their own path?"
"I wouldn't call it wrong," he had said, "but it is weird."
"Why?" I had asked. "Why is it weird not to be selfish? Or maybe it is selfish." I had thought for a moment. "Maybe it is selfish to not want to spend the rest of your life with someone whose dreams are elsewhere and who wishes they were free to follow them."
"Maybe it is," he had said, "but I think it's a good selfish."
Can anyone really promise to love each other and stay together forever?
All we can do, all anyone can realistically do, is try to stay friends and give each other room to grow.
"...and she didnt want to get it, even if she had a craving, because it wouldve meant going into an area she was uncomfortable in. And since most people dont like to feel like, admit, they do things like that, she is pissed at you for putting it out there in the open and making an example of her."
I was up until 6am, arguing with someone about the project so that we could be on the same page.
Now my body is forcing myself to sleep, but Im just sleeping fitfully.
Im not young anymore. I cant even do 24 hours straight anymore, much less 72. My body will TAKE its sleep.. but still Im now in insomniac mode.
Heh. You get some odd dreams that way...
JPennant: Man. I still need some sleep.
Mcclint: take some sleepy-time pills
JPennant: Ick. Nonono
Mcclint: or go run around the block a few dozen times. THAT'll tire you out :-)
JPennant: or kill me :-)
Mcclint: minor details to work out later heheheheh
JPennant: lol
Ah well, lemme try this again. Mebbe Ive been thinking too much these last coupla days.
Mebbe I just need a drink.
Wow. The strawberry plants have aleady rooted....
Looking good.
Still got that greene thumbe goin'.... :-D
To: George K.
From: Joe Pennant
Re: Your insinuation, lies and damned lies that Ive turned into a cat-kissing feline lover.
For the record, Im still a dog person..
As the late 'Biggie' Smalls put it on his song 'Warning'
Nah. They my friends.
Nah. Much love.
Nah. wouldnt disrespect.
I was grumpy and well on my way to 'Fuckit. Screw Everybody.' mode.
I was nailing that chip on my shoulder but good....
So, I took a timeout and got myself some green tea.
Odd. Havent had any in weeks.
Mebbe Im trying to ration the honey Fred sent me...
When I came back the princess was trying to get my attention.
By the time we got disconnected, I wasnt feeling as combative.
She was there when I needed it, listened and steered me to somewhat more positive ground.
Although Im not removing that chip off my shoulder (its useful for motivation), I needed a little reassurance today when there was few there to do that for me.
Thanx, G.
"... and the whores are us."
- PJ O'Rourke
Parliament of Whores
Homeward bound.
Route 440 North from New Jersey, about to enter the Staten Island tolls...
"Ive got a disease
'Leave me the FUCK alone'
its already full blown"
- 'Mount Up' by M.O.P
No, I dont sound Jamaican.
Neither does lilbro, having been here since he was 4.
By the way.. he's grown and 25.
Anyway, although I rarely flash any Jamaican patois, it sometimes catches my Born Jamerican sibling by surprise when I do, specially as he tries hard to feel like a native Jamaican.. which he is, but not really.
He was born there, but his formative years were all in New York.
His feeling like an outsider often shows when his older siblings do the Pennant thing (long thing about us outwardly quiet and reserved folk displaying a surprising -until you get to know us - gift for the gab)and start talking about shared childhood and teenage things that he wasnt a part of, using language thats not in his vocabulary.
So, when he emailed me to make arrangements about coming to pick me up in the morning for a BBQ at BigSis' place in Wherethefuck, NJ.. I used a word in patois, because I couldnt think of an apt english colloquial equivalent.
I said I was going to 'wedge' and have the front door open for him to be able to come up to my apartment, as my intercom and buzzer is still busted.
So, I wrote in colloquial patois "Im goin' to kotch the door for you."
I swear to god, he was SOOO chuffed when I used that term.. that he wrote back "yeah cotch the door for me. that sounds good".
He hasnt stopped using that word since, prompting BigSis to ask him, "what IS it with you and the word 'kotch'?"
I dont know, I just find that funny and endearing at the same time. :-)
OOOoooh. Thunderstorm!
Havent had many (cept mebbe that one night in April I got soaked going home) in the New York area all year.
Turned out the lights.. to enjoy the sudden reddish-darkness of a thunderstorm at sunset.
New Jersey sunsets, specially seen from New York... its like the sky is on fire, cloud edges burning fiery gold.
I have some pictures taken from a roof in Chelsea looking over the Hudson in my pennantspages diary from October or november 1999....
I remember my first thunderstorms in America.
Not like the ones in Jamaica, where they all occur high in the mountains. I heard 'em more than I saw them.
Noo.. these midwest rollers had flashes that would streak all across the skies, and you could see them for miles. They often produced industrial-strength thunder that literally shook the ground and rattled buildings.
This shit had BASS when storm fronts battle for hundreds of miles.
Talk about quaking in your boots when God went bowling. :-)
In the South, particularly in Florida when you could set your watch by the daily 4:30 thunderstorm, thunderstorms were up close and personal.
*Ka-boom-boom-booooom* was thunder high up or hitting a coupla miles away.
*KRA-KAH-BOOOOOOM* is what you heard when lightning hit the ground a few miles away.
*kra-kaka-KAPOW* is when that shit hit a few hundred yards away, invariably setting off car alarms all around. Sounds like Gods artillery.
And when you felt weird and tingly.. dont think..DROP. It is about to hit YOU.
It sounds like God has a personal beef wit you then...
Lightning is so endemic in Florida, pop up so quickly, and hit so many people, that the state and TV stations track actual lightning strikes minute by minute.
Here, by comparison.. it doesnt happen as often. There is no set pattern. You may get a sudden front and get a light show for a New York minute.. several fronts will pass through, setting off sudden storms or it'll pour for days. No pattern.
But fun when it happens.
A friend sent me some seeds in the mail to start my herb garden.
Im a little older, so I appreciate that more.
Now Im starting to understand why my father dreamt of growing stuff when he retired...
Should I sow them indoors or out?
All I know, is that a certain energy is felt when I deal with growing things.
Next, a bonsai tree.
I decided to try cookin some vegetable risotto....
I like my rice richly flavored.
For instance, when you cook Jamaican rice and peas, to cook the red beans.. you almost have to stew the stock before the rice is added.
I used to get so impatient as kid when you the process started at 9am to have the rice ready by 2 or 3 or even 4 pm.
Now, as an adult, I see why its so important to take so much time on the base, the stock.
I boiled that stock of chicken broth, garlic, pepper, olive oil.. to which I added a can of vegetable, pasta and chicken broth soup.
I left it to boil for an hour, reducing the stock and intensifying the taste.
I then added the rice, putting foil beteen the pot and cover (paper bag paper works better for rice and peas, no really) and left the pot on VERY low heat for the rice to cook.
It was good. I didnt even miss making any meat dishes.
I didnt realize there was so much involved in making stock, the base for dishes.
Yep, the age of appreciation.