Later they changed to their extreme weather pattern, avoiding the bay entirely and flying low and slow overland waiting for gaps in the wall of fog on the Bay.
The weather on the ground was schizophrenic. Bluster, chill and the smell of rain.
Its been a great day.
The Farmers Market, rain or shine was open for business.
I had my usual Saturday treats: A raisin belgian pastry, fine roasted coffee, fresh cider, so fresh I have to dilute it, wheat raisin bread for later.
I didnt have the Puerto Rican platter (plantain, chicken, red breans and rice) as the caterers didnt come , fearing rain.. but a friend treated me to a cheap chinese alternative in downtown Berkeley.
Im full, fat an' happy.
I walked the pit bull puppy, who now knows how to sit, heel and stay... err, 50 percent of the time. Hey, he's still a puppy.
He knows me by sight and comes running to me, big ears flopping, licking my face like a spaz. Heh.
I see subtle changes in myself that indicates that Berkeley and these past coupla months have changed me.
For the better.
Today, I decided from the get go, was not a day to sweat about money, ambition and Le Girl (although I did get her a gift to see if I can get back into her good graces and hope the doghouse is a temporary shack), grievances and grudges.
Right now, Its all good and looking even better tomorrow.
Its been a good day, and looking outside the rain is coming down, so I will miss the lunar eclipse, but still.
Not bad at all.