Last year at this time:
Quietly freaking out cuz I had no home, and I was moving to god knew where. And trying not let the fear show.
Dont know where Im going, what I'll be doing... nervous. But now, at least the fear factor isnt as high.
Heh. After awhile, ya stop worrying and just deal.
Cuz it never stops, Ive learned.
Im not sure if I'll be returning to Jersey to live tho.
I think if I do - I need to avoid being so far from the city, dependent on having a car for work, basics etc etc.
However, Jersey has a lot to offer. So, I wouldnt rule it out as a place to live.
Just closer, thas all.
Bayonne? I would buy a house here, definitely, but otherwise - I doubt I'll be back anytime soon.
Staten Island would be a better option if I were looking for peace, quiet and reasonable rentage.
Where will I go? Dunno.
What will I be doing? Dunno.
But I have some ideas.
One option that is getting me kinda jazzed.. is FINALLY going back to school.
I figure if I can get me some sorta work on campus, I can start easing back into the life.
*cough* Co-eds were not a consideration. *cough*
Well, Ive always said - I wanted to finish my degrees, so why not? I now have the time for that as well as the other schtuff.
Yeah, I know - When you have the time, you dont have the munny. And when you have the money, one can rarely spare the time.
But.. if Ive learned nothing, its this: Time is far more valuable than money.
So, Ive got the time.
Its been hard-earned.
Damn.. it has gotten chilly, even though the temps arent drastically low.
Sun is right when she sez..
The cold out there is the kind of cold that makes your ears, face, hands and HAIR sore.
Using Haydz and I's favorite quote..."why the fuck did we move here?"
To be in NooYAWK, baybee. :-)
This feels like Chicago weather.
At least we havent had a white holiday.
Quite unlike Buffalo and upstate NY where theyve gotten 4-7 FEET of snow this week.
I aint gonna complain.