"... the black folk, theyre aright.. they understand.
But the Anglos.. nah, theyre fucking clueless about us."
- Teenager from an LA barrio
from an MTV 'documentary' on race
All around the world, no matter their actual race, darker skinned folk tend to be viewed as less than equal.
And often get treated as such.
Worse if theyre of a different tribe or culture.
In this country at least, black folk arent the lowest on the totem. That dubious distinction is meted on spanish-speaking immigrants from Central America.
'They' truly have to eat shit on a regular basis.
The subject came around from a CNN item, stating that the nations 'hispanic' population had increased 60% in the last coupla years.
Me: Yeah. Its not surprising. Just look around.
(I was thinking that Bayonne's hispanic population, for a traditionally italian place, was pretty large.)
Him: Yeah, its no wonder.. they have babies like bunnies.
What th'???
Me: Hey, watch that 'they' shit, son.
Him: Its like that joke from Mondo New York "I dont mess with Puerto Ricans.... they all come out HAVING knives."
He thought he was just goofing. I was surprised.
Yes indeed, I was. And I expect the worst from people.
I have never heard him slur on other ethnicities or cultures before.
Me: The used to say the same about Sicilians.
Him: Yeah, well..... THEY come out with tommyguns.
And that pretty much ended that. A lot of the people he hangs with ARE italian.
For a person who thinks of himself as color blind.. he saw no reason not to slur entire cultures..
Central Americans to Puerto Ricans. Theyre apparently all the same to him.
One of my basic tenets is that EVERYONE is a bigot and racist in some form or another.
But that doesnt mean you cant get along with folk and give them the same respect and consideration that any other person deserves.
See them as human.
Not as 'they'.