Hooked on a Spirit
Today's horrorscope
Try not to let your responsibilities weigh you down.
It does not matter how much work you have to do nor how far behind you may be in your schedule, take life as it comes today and don't take anything too seriously.
Look at it this way: one hundred years from now who is going to know and who is going to care?
"Hey, Joe. Hows it goin?"
"Ever get the feeling that youre makin' all kindsa progress, and yet you havent done chit yet?"
"That's it. How you doin'?"
Whatever happened to my standard "Hangin' in there"?
Several people have said that Berkeley is located in an area of a strong energy vortex. Area natives seem to regard it as such.
Im starting to wonder.
I think there is something to that.
Strange things happen here. The strange people are attracted to the energy out here.
Rashid once came here and said the energy here freaked him out, as a sensitive.
Im normally skeptical, but Im starting to wonder.
It started like any other dream. She's across the way in the slightly seedy apartment, we hook up, I take her hand to take her to my place, or somewhere private.. and as we step out, what had seemed familiar, suddenly wasnt, and we kept traveling in circles along suddenly unfamiliar paths.
I never seem to be able to find my way, or if I do, she's gone.
Last night, I was able to find my way, for the first time in over 15 years.
I woke up realizing what that recurring dream is about and what I need to do.
More importantly, I woke realizing the WHY's to a whole bunch of things.
Why I call all the women Ive been stuck upon a variation of "The Girl".
(LaChica, Da Girl, Le Girl etc). Why Im enamored of a certain TYPE of woman, a certain age. Why they all seem to think I can see right through them. Why it feels Ive been in limbo all these years, feeling like I cant move on.
What Ive been searching for.
"NOW it makes sense."
"Yeah, youre searching for a catalyst. Youve been searching for a spirit."
"Yeah. Something I need to fuse with, live with, to project part of me upon. Now I feel like Im getting a second chance here in Berkeley."
Thats just ONE of the things Im starting to realize the why's to.
Ive added the Honolulu Advertiser to the roster of papers I read daily or regularly.
I gotta admit (grudgingly *cough*), the LA Times is a helluva paper.
It meets the criteria of telling me things I didnt already know.
Trust me, you get to be picky about the paper one reads if youve lived and travelled and had to read papers that might as well be headlined
"The Associated Press Daily, with comics!"
Still, once I settle in and get a homebase, Im gonna start having the Sunday Post delivered..
Shit, I miss that.
Im also feeling homesick, having missed the New Yorks first storm of the season.
Just somethin' about it.