Friday, February 24, 2006


Fillmore, originally uploaded by Itinerant.


Quote, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

An adventure is misery and discomfort, relived in the safety of reminiscence."

- Marco Polo

By that measure, the past 5 years has been one helluva an adventure.

Chinese New Year Parade

Chinese New Year Parade, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Chinese New Year Parade

The AT&T/SBC float. If anyone knows somebody from that float, drop me a line or contact them so I can send pix they wanted to them.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Morning paper on bus

Morning paper on bus, originally uploaded by Itinerant.


Window, originally uploaded by Itinerant.


Oranges, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Painted ladies

Painted ladies, originally uploaded by Itinerant.


Checkout, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Valentine's Day flowers

Valentine's Day flowers, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Feeling groovy? Being happy? WTF is this?

So Ive been
in a funk the last coupla months. So what am I doing feeling happy, feeling groovy?

My camera has to be sent back to be repaired. My mac blew up. I had to shut off contact with people who didnt make me feel good. I dont know what I'll be doing this year, if Im gonna be on a ramen and rice diet or not.

Still, I felt good. I walked out today, smiled at the abundant pretty women in my neighborhood, flirted even, smiled at the sunshine.


I put in a new power supply into the Dell, and although i dont know why exactly - the machine has regained its zip. I know what i intend to do by the end of this year, with a certainty. The prospects are uncertain, but I prefer them to living a life of wage servitude.

The funk has lifted.

I miss my friend, funk. but, oh well. :)

Decaf @ the Pork Store

Decaf @ the Pork Store, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Parking spot

Parking spot, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Sunset District

Sunset District, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Larkin Street

Larkin Street, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Chinese New Year Parade

Chinese New Year Parade, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Chinese New Year Parade

Chinese New Year Parade, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Farallon Islands

Farallon Islands, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Farallon Islands

A rare sight in San Francisco, as these islands 20 miles offshore are usually hidden by the eomnipresent fog bank.

Alamo Park

Alamo Park, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Hill, Sunset Heights

Hill, Sunset Heights, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Sunset above storm clouds

Sunset above storm clouds, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Monday, February 20, 2006

bus stop @ Haight & Fillmore

bus stop @ Haight & Fillmore, originally uploaded by Itinerant.