Plan ZedChecklist- Recharge Starbux card
- Add minutes to my prepaid phone
- Enter updated phone numbers into my address book and phone.
- Prep the camera: clear the memory cards, charge the batteries, make sure I have all the cables.
Hrm. What am I forgetting...
JPennant: oh, I gotta get water for the flight
mcclint: i can't believe how brainwashed the US population is that they need bottled water... and they pay 50x the amount it costs out of the tap
JPennant: well, because I drank the jax 'aquifer' water for years.. I need to drink pure water
mcclint: brainwashed
JPennant: my kidneys can tolerate only so much minerals and metals
mcclint: a little lead never killed no one ;-)
JPennant: well, I do go to the extreme and buy FijiWater
mcclint: FUCK. $9/bottle
JPennant: 2 bux, actually
JPennant: Otherwise, I get Crystal Geyser
mcclint: oh that's right. it's $9 in hotels
JPennant: how crazy do you think I am :-)
mcclint: crazy enough to pay for bottled water
JPennant: Hm.. they have "refreshment" on the flight
JPennant: uh-oh
mcclint: is it a direct flight?
JPennant: yup
mcclint: what airline?
JPennant: Delta
mcclint: there will be sandwiches for sale on the flight for like 6 bucks
mcclint: or closer to 8 bucks
JPennant: Delta does?
JPennant: ok, that means Im carrying dinner
mcclint: actually.... we flew delta to San Diego and there was food
JPennant: how was it
mcclint: not bad. i wouldnt call it a "meal" but it was a pretty good sammich
mcclint: and it was enough to keep me going the rest of the flight
JPennant: if they serve chips and a drink, Im bringing a big mac
mcclint: hahaha
mcclint: well pack some snacks like crackers and shit
mcclint: i do that no matter where i fly to
JPennant: I'll bring a muffin and some soymilk
mcclint: oh boy
JPennant: heheh
mcclint: you have been in California waaaayyyyyy too long
mcclint: a muffin and soymilk
mcclint: tsk tsk tsk
JPennant: hahaha. I realized that when I typed it