Friday, March 08, 2002

A Friday Five I dont mind answering:

1. What makes you homesick?

Food cravings.

Hard Dough Bread from Allan's Bakery.
Bird Peppers.
Stewed Red Beans and Oxtail over white rice.
True Jerked Chicken.
Cocoa Bread.
(Jamaica/New York)

DeepDeep Dish Pizza. (Not that crap from Pizzeria Uno)
Chicago Hot Dogs with poppy seeds with everything but pickles on the Rosen bun and celery salt sprinkled on those Vienna Brand sausages.
Broccoli Deep Dish Pizza from Barry's Pizza.
JR's amaretto fudge cheesecake.

The REAL Canada Dry. (Not the syrupy crap made in the US. I brought back a case every time I drove up to Canada. ) (Toronto).

Smoked whole chicken.
Food from everybody's house.
Coca Cola bottled at Brown Bottling. (They make CocaCola according to the the old fashioned way, with sugar not corn syrup, and since they also bottle orange and grape Nehi in the same vats, it always has a slight fruity flavor to it).
Fresh Catfish and just made sweet corn hush puppies. (Jackson, Mississippi).

Uncle Harry's Homemade Ice Cream on fresh waffles.
(Burlington, Wisconsin; Addison Illinois).

Hardee's Biscuits. (Jacksonville Florida).

Bagels from the Greek places in Staten Island and Bay Ridge.
Hallal Street Meat.
Chinese takeout con Pollo.
Bagel and a coffee for a buck.
Coffee and a donut.
Coffee and a danish

(New York).

2. Where is "home" for you? Is it where you are living now, or somewhere else (ie: Mom & Dad's house, particular state/city)?

Heh. I have no home and several places I can call home.

Home is wherever Im goin.
But really, I would say it is Chicago, even though I havent been in years.

3. What makes it home for you? People? Things?

Dunno. Most folk I know who grew up in Chicago, think of themselves as Chicagoans - no matter where they are.

I think its having survived the winters. Surviving harsh winters I think codifies you to wherever you endured it.

Hence the folk from Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa who never forget those roots.

I survived the Hawk.

4. Where is the furthest you've been from home, miles-wise?

Whatever the distance is between New York and San Fran.

5. What are your plans for this weekend?

Lemme go ask the cat...

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