Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Purging is good for the soul

"Don't procrastinate. Do it tomorrow."

Ok. Ok. Ok. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

(Heheh, anyone know what movie that quote came from? Anyone? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?)

Its time to upgrade to the Big Drive. Ive backed my stuff, save a few sundry.

And since I refuse to offload images off the camera until I have the room, its time.

*sigh* Upgrading. It should take me an hour or two technically. But, I know I'll be fiddling for a month. And thats IF everything works.

And its Merc retrograde time. Gah.

*breathe* I know, I know.

Anyhoodles (thanks for that one Ms. Angeline :-), my point being, here are some randoms from images I wont be keeping on my hard drive as I bring in the new.

No flexin' here, nuttin fancy, no stories, no themes - just purging.

Yeah, purging is good for the soul.

Or, at least makes space for more.


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