Friday, December 24, 2004

Tish, tosh Mac

I had
never used a mac until I started working at AOL in 1995. That's where clint and i met sitting next to each other supporting Mac clients.

One of the ongoing things between us is that he is all about Macs, while I represent the forces of the Dark Side.

(Not exactly true, as i went on to become a cross-platform computing consultant for businesses that used both macs and pc's.)

With the advent of OSX, I felt the need to get back into it. Plus, nowadays, having a mac is the 'in' thing to have.

Now, thanx to him, i have a mac again.

He thinks he will make me a total mac head.. :)

McClint: what have you named your iMac?
McClint: every true mac user names their mac something other than the default "Joe Pennant's Computer"
JPennant: *sigh*
JPennant: Julia
McClint: hehehe
JPennant: so Im weak
McClint: are you just pulling a name out of the air to make me happy or did you really name it that?
McClint: one of us! one of us! one of us!

JPennant: I can see you dancing around the room. *grump*
McClint: juuuuust relaaaaaaax
McClint: don't tense up
McClint: dont resist
JPennant: its even got a cute icon for the hard drive now
McClint: oh yeah
McClint: it's all coming back to you
JPennant: well, its been traumatic as a mac owner
JPennant: my first one, I hardly used
JPennant: the second one blew up
McClint: the laptop?
JPennant: yup
McClint: but you havent been the owner of a brand new mac, have ya? always second-hand?
JPennant: i am a mere mortal
JPennant: i cannot afford a brand new mac
JPennant: well, i could back in the flush days, but i couldnt justify it
McClint: yeah it is a tough goal to attain

Actually, i named my Dell laptop Oscar, but i didnt put a cute icon for it on the desktop.

I did put a white Apple sticker on the lid.

Its a Mac thing. ;)

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