Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Explain Yourself

Marah came upon my site and found that she had questions. Considering that Ive been writing online since 1997, there seems to be a lot of backstory that needs to be explained now.

How MUCH of a backstory, I didnt realize until she asked.

are you jamaican? were you born there?
how'd you get to new york? what's the geeky
thing that you'll never do again? what do
you do now? when IS your birthday anyway?
what day?

Answering that made me think about doing a FAQ for the site...

JPennant: Someone suggested I write a FAQ for my site.
george: It's not a bad idea.
JPennant: Hmm.
george: Not everyone who visits
george: will have the time to go back through your material and gain that vital context.
JPennant: thats true. Plus, Ive had the site since 1996? 1997? and the blog since 2000
JPennant: What would you wanna know?
george: Probably some of the same stuff that's in this.
JPennant: Hrm. Ok.
george: Something that offered a sense of what you've done and where you've been so far.
george: But really, how you do it is up to you. Whatever common questions you get are probably the best lead-ins.

Ok, so does anybidy else have questions they'd like me to answer?

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