Wednesday, July 18, 2001

Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 12:18:07 -0700
From: fredlet@
Subject: Notification for Payment Received

This email confirms that you have received a Payment
for $5.00 from Sly Fox Design (fredlet@)


Amount: $5.00
Quantity: 1
Item/Product Name: a tall latte, the elixir of life
Buyer: Sly Fox Design

That was effing righteous, fred :-)

Thanks hon, more than anything - it was the thought that hit the spot.
And lest I not give much thanx..

To Agatha for getting rid of the blasted blogspot ad (no, it wasnt majik..)

Even tho you did it primarily cuz it was bouncing on yer last nerve.. the crowd REALLY digs the action. :-)

Also under the category of effing righteous.

See? It aint the big things....

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