Friday, July 20, 2001

A rhetorical..

-Why is it some folk get all indignant when I say they'll flake, sure as shootin'

.... and they &$^%# do it ANYWAYS?

Cripes, man.

I know, no one wants to be known as a flake (ie: someone who doesnt show when they say they will)... but hey, good intentions and all that...


Simple summer pleasures:

The local MacDonald's here in Bayonne has ice cream cones this summer for a quarter.

Ever righteous. :-)

Specially as its only a 3 block toddle from the apartment.

Heheh. Should see folk stare at the lidlle treat in my hand as I walk back home.. and see them make a beeline for the MickeyD's when I tell 'em the damage what is....

A quarter. 25 cents. wow.


Muggy but clear today..

Perfect ice cream weather.

I think I'll head there now. Nothing to do, specially as someone jest flaked on me.....


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