Monday, August 13, 2001

Der horrorscope:
Just over a week from now the sun will move into your birth sign and a new solar year will begin.
So no matter how bad things may look right now, they'll soon look a whole lot better. It doesn't matter if you feel down or depressed.

That's a natural part of the cycle. Keep smiling. You've been through tougher times than this.

Yep. And *that* sounds like a plan...

The Cappy and I went to the Fashion District today.

I thought I knew the place. MAN.. I thought Canal Street was the shopping capital of New York.

Uh-uh. It was eye-opening to see where the street hustlers and other merchants of NY shop for THEIR shytte wholesale..

Dont come through without a Tax ID and or 50 dollar minimum.. but hey - those 10 dollar watches on Canal Street.. how does 4 for 6.99 sound?

It started raining, out popped the action and the vendors started yelling "Umbrellas here!!"

Not yer usual 10 dollahs, or even the 8 dollar 'sale' that is normal everywhere else in NYC.



Shit. Im here for 4 years, and I didnt know this???

Da possibilities!

Hell, now I know how to hustle for a few dollars.

Heh.. I may just sell those socks on Wall Street.. :-)

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