Wednesday, October 31, 2001

I know, i know.

Soon. Pretty pictures soon.
And while we're on the subject:

Why, and who is doing a google search for (spelling changed so as not to get even *more* Timely and Accurate Hits - aka add vowels) .. L*b*n*s* P*rn ??

Heck, Im not even sure how my site pops up with that .. as I couldnt even find it that way.

*scritch of head*

The Cappy, always up for a little fun (being born in the year of the Horse) - spent all night making costumes for her kids to wear to school. (They were having a Halloween parade thing..)

Dove o' peace and Ninja, I think.

She herself put on a 'princess' hat and walked around town with it on. (Ive learned a long time ago to live and let free spirits live, so I wasnt a Virgo about it..).

As she came out of the school, after dropping them off, she bemoaned the fact that even though the school was making a big thing out of it, few kids actually had costumes on.

I pointed out to her that it wasnt limited to the kids - few adults were doing it up too. For example, few people around town have their usual World Series Yankee regalia on, save for a few caps.

She agreed, and somberly commented that it was all sad.

Being a high-spirited Horse, she stopped dwelling on it after a minute few seconds.

Good for her.

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