Wednesday, January 30, 2002

Jamie, now an HBO site producer who regularly goes from LA to NY and back writes:

I'm so happy to be home. I feel like I've been gone forever. I think I left town just long enough to miss New York. It's been a while since I've felt like that, maybe since last summer, but more likely since I went to Jamaica two years ago. I don't think I like places where people are happy all the time, and people in Jamaica and LA fucking smile all the time, and then you have to smile back, too, or they think you're an awful person, which I don't mind ordinarily, except I was there on a business trip, so I had to care what people thought about me, or at least pretend like I did.

Anyway, I missed scowling. As soon as the plane hit the ground at JFK, I immediately relaxed my face into my natural scowl, and it felt so good and so right.



Someone said, she couldnt imagine me out of NY. Someone else asked if I would be back.


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