Saturday, March 29, 2003

Looking at the half-empty glass of arsenic

#writers channel on the IRC...

JoBear keeps looking in the various papers for light, fluffy brainless news... and keeps tripping over wahr coverage
EvilWench tells jo to read the paper nekkid
EvilWench: that should help
EvilWench: *nod*
Kaliuna: Jo-- ahh try weather - or medical area --
hermit agrees with wenchi
JoBear: Umm.... Medical = SARS, Weather = Killer Tornadoes in Florida.. *sigh*
EvilWench: jo!
EvilWench: you are readin the wrong paper
hermit: tornadoes in florida?
EvilWench: you are supposed to be readin Weekly World News
EvilWench: :)
JoBear: Oh!
EvilWench: ummmm but read it nekkid
scriibe thinks Jo looks at the arsenic bottle as being half empty ;-)
EvilWench: ROFLMAO scriibe
JoBear grinz at scriibes' snark :-D

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