Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Even cranky people have friends..

In my travels
, I interact with a lot of people, with no expectations of any of them sticking around or becoming lifelong pals.

People come and go. *shrug* Such is life.

Some I wish would stick around a bit longer, some - not so much.

Cyn remarked the other day that I seem to be able to talk to strangers quite easily, and how could it be being so anti-social?

I am. Cranky and grumpy too. But Im also articulate and personable when I want to be.
I even clean up surprisingly well when I want to.. (there's even tell of fitted suits in my past.. shhh..)

Normally, I dont share pictures of people I interact with, I think I will just this once...

Taken with their permission, shown without.

"Will you stop posing and SMILE??? Goodness..*

"Thank you :-) "

I may take this down later...
I took notice of this chica at the library who had her hair in braids. Gotta admit, I liked the look...

I think its gonna be a trend.

Cool peeps.

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