Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Related for tech support

Lilbro is
bugging me for tips on using MS Word.

This is not my idea of fun.

JPennant: hey papi, I got my own problems. laptop is dying, I can barely read the screen, just recovered from a virus attack that nearly wiped out all my work (and my baby's pictures and whatnot) from the last 3 months....
JPennant: meh
LilBro: yeh.
LilBro: yo can u view the doc before it is actually printed? like what it would look like if it were printed?
JPennant: click the icon of the paper with the magnifying glass on it
LilBro: and thats it?
JPennant: try it
LilBro: oooooooooo
LilBro: continents are starting to come together
JPennant: hehehhe
LilBro: now can i alter this document while it is in preview?
JPennant: no
LilBro: <---as the mind wheel turns another nut frees itself
JPennant: heh
LilBro: all right. how do u chnage from landscape to portrait?
JPennant: print preview or print setup
JPennant: papi, they sell these books for 5 dollars on the street in lower manhattan :-)
LilBro: havin u is cheaper, now wait an be patient tutor
JPennant: Im crankier
LilBro: part of the pennant charm. takes a pennant to understand it
JPennant: heheheheh

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