Monday, August 18, 2003

Reading my morning marn:

I'm extremely grateful that I have someone in my life who's known me since I was a teenager, stuck with me through hell and high water, who routinely sees me with morning bedhead and does not run screaming from the room.

I think the bedhead alone would be grounds for divorce in California.

<-- *stifles snigger*

Hee. Better than the comix sometimes.. :-)
A Good Cause
So, it's official. Come October 5 I'm going to be in Montreal to Jog For The Jugs, Race For The Rack, March For The Melons, Hike For The Hooters.

Well, officially they call it the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Run For The Cure, but personally I much prefer saying that I'm Jogging For Jugs.

Heh. Its a good cause. She's looking for a few good sponsors...

For as she says:
Not only do you get the glow of contributing to a great charity, and an income tax receipt, by golly you can go to sleep at night knowing that you've done Your Bit For The Boobs.

And who doesnt like melons?

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