Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Today's horrorscopes
Forget about yesterday and the day before that because all that matters now is today and tomorrow and the future you are going to create for yourself.

You must leave your cares and worries behind you and act as if you are starting afresh.

It's not so far from the truth.

You know.. it really isnt.

Love: You may roll your eyes on the subject of romance. Sure, you've had some duds, but you shouldn't let that scare you off completely.

Jump back in because only the cream of the crop comes out tonight.

*eye roll* Sounds like work. Again.
Activities of the monetary kind will be much on your mind today, but you would be wise not to let them take over your thinking completely.

You would also benefit from reminding yourself that in the greater scheme of things, the number of dollars you possess is of no importance.

There are only three things that matter: loving, laughing and learning.

Well yeah, but bright shiny things DO count for something, dont they? :-)

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