Monday, May 03, 2004

Making a list, making it twice...


As the sun is moving through the area of your chart that governs your hopes and your dreams, this would be a good time to look seriously at what you expect from life and whether you are likely to get it if you continue to follow the path you are taking.

Ask yourself some searching questions and you will get some interesting answers.

Its been an interesting past Merc Rx. Now that Mercury is no longer retrograde (Oi never believed in such a thing before, but now blah blah blah), I see why its oft regarded as a period of changes.

Boy howdy, has it been.

Much of what Ive been working toward the last year or so has come to fruition. Sometimes in the most unexpected fashion.

And now its the first day of the rest of my life. I woke up this morning, and started going down my Plan of Action.

And the only thing on my list was... Make a list.

Make a list to determine my priorities for the immediate future, come what may.

I hate making lists. I keep everything in my head, but with so much going on.. I need to make lists.

Or as Curt said when I told him:

"The first thing on your To-Do list today.. is to make a list?"

Yup. Cuz this is important.

Its about the rest of my life.

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