Saturday, July 03, 2004

Make sure you know the ass youre following

"Man, from behind, that girl looks like you."

*silence*, then a frosty:

"Her, over there."

More silence, a look at me, THAT look, then:

"Sometimes I just want to slap you upside your head."

Riding the steep escalators out of the Berkeley BART station, you get a unique vantage of people from *cough* behind.

This morning, I stepped on, looked up and my prehistoric mind thought "Whoa, I know that ass."

The analytical brain kicked in to verify the identification.

"Nope, its not her. Its a nice one tho."

"Sure is, I'll continue to look just in case youre wrong." answered the prehistoric part of me.

Contrary to popular belief, I wont just follow any ass anywhere.

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