Friday, October 01, 2004

Joe's Rule of software: If Im not doing SOMETHING useful with an absence of cussing within 10 minutes of installation, it's effing useless.

My new default browser is's Firefox.

The geek pundits were going batshit over the preview release, and i gave it my 10 minute test.

Lo and behold, it felt as if I were browsing with new glasses. nuttin dramatic, and i made it cry and crash once (heh heh, I havent lost my touch *blow*), and it has a one or two display quirks .. but i like.

I havent changed my primary browser since oh, 1999.. when i discovered running IE on NT was not a bad deal at all with its old school TCP/IP stack, and Nutscrape hasnt been good since version 4.

So, for me, Mr I aint changing what I use unless there is a compelling reason, this is a big deal, in the minor epochal sense.

however, I havent installed the mail, cuz until yahoo makes a WebDAV plugin that allows me to download my mail locally, I dont need to.

Ooh, I feel adventurous now.

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