Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Christmas in New York.

Just got a card from the Cappy. Made me wanna go visit. See my friends.

And see NY all commercial for Christmas.

JPennant: i miss ny
JPennant: specially now
Mamahell: its freezing here~!
JPennant: ahh, the best time :-)
Mamahell: ick
JPennant: oh shush :-)
Mamahell: i will take mild winter anyday
JPennant: they got that here
JPennant: all *^%$ year long
Mamahell: yeah but you don't get a hot summer either right?
JPennant: 3 weeks of it in october
JPennant: its mild from about february on tho
JPennant: winter is from november to feb
Mamahell: thats why they call it "SUNNY CALIFORNIA"
JPennant: *pshaah
JPennant: sunny and cold
JPennant: *grump
Mamahell: haha
JPennant: they dont show that on TV
Mamahell: no they don't....nor do they tell you the water is ALWAYs cold
JPennant: yup. Baywatch had shrinkage and freezing nips
Mamahell: freezing nips are a plus
JPennant: heheh

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