Ive been playing Kanye West's "Gold Digger" over and over. For the last 2 days.
It's not like its even a good song, and its not like kanye is a great rapper.
But its catchy as hell.
I just put in the order for the Chef! DVD collection. My birthday present. :)
JPennant: I was just talking to my little brother
JPennant: I was preaching as usual
Glinessa: how is he
Glinessa: lol
JPennant: he's good. he was trying to reach me to wish me a happy belated for weeks.
JPennant: with school and work, he wasnt able to reach me.
Glinessa: cool....and yes, belated
JPennant: So, I was telling him what its like to be 41
JPennant: pretty cool actually'
Glinessa: lol
JPennant: the shit that i used to trip about, I dont really anymore.
JPennant: Anything I trip over, Im to choosing to trip on, knowing the really important shit is nothing to trip over.
Glinessa: lol...cool
JPennant: yeah, it is
JPennant: and having my little brother tracking me down to wish me a birthday.. stuff like that s important to me
JPennant: ze rest.. eh, not so much.
Glinessa: yeah....obviously
Talking to family is not like talking to others - primarily because of close bonds and shared experiences.
And we were laughing about me buying the Chef! DVD.
He was delighted.
"Oh man, you and Ma loved to watch those shows. She is gonna enjoy this."
To other people, this DVD may seem a frivolous purchase. For me, its more.
Far more.
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