Saturday, September 03, 2005

Power outage

Power outage, originally uploaded by Itinerant.

Power outage

Taking it to the limit. When I get a chance, Im upgrading the battery for more power and longer life.

It's covered in an agent18 hard case. Man, that case has paid for itself several times over already.

Co-worker relieving me this morn:

"So Joe, you gonna go take pictures?"
"Hahahaha. No. On my days off, Im power sleeping. Sleeping as much as possible while I can."

Not like I have any choice. After a school week, the combination of working graveyard and having to go to school for 5 hours messes with my sleep cycles.

And its not like I can repeatedly bounce back after sleep deprivation like I used to. Now my body DEMANDS its sleep.

So, I crash HARD.

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