Monday, November 28, 2005

Sub-zero is a BWOY to I

Rainy in friscoWhen native
(or long-time, but non-native) cool weather lovin San Franciscans go "Geezus its crisp/nippy/chilly/cold", it's cold. No more highs in the 70's, lows in the 30's, buckets of rain. As we speak, a rain storm is passing thru.

Now, as a native New Yorker turned Friscan told me when I first arrived in the Bay Area told me "It's MILD here, got it? You see snow? You see Ice? No. I can go golfing in the winter."

This is true. And watching WGN on cable over thanksgiving reminded me of what true cold is. Cold is the kinda weather that brings literal tears to your eyes. Five degrees above zero will do that.

Still, that is a dry cold. Here, it's a maritime wet cold, that is surprisingly unhumid. Hard to explain, but suffice to say, wet = miserable. So, 10 degrees in Chicago, is equivalent to 40 in Frisco.

It's 40 degrees in Frisco. My apartment is an icebox, Im looking to buy a space heater, and the Lava Lava (!!!) is keeping me warm. I shit you not.
This Samoan skirt is keeping much of the chill from penetratng to my legs.

Sweet. I need some more.
If you live on the streets, the Bay Area turns downright hostile in November, the start of the winter rains and cold.

I was actually hepped to this by a man I hold in high regard, the son of one of the drumming greats. He told me how he went through a winter sleeping outdoors, basically saying neither man or beast should go through it. This why winter shelters open up in October and stay open til April.

I honestly have a lot of respect for ANYONE who lives outdoors during the Northern California winter.

I couldnt do it. I stayed indoors.

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