Sunday, May 25, 2008

This week's horrorscope sez:

Never doubt that you are doing the right thing. Never doubt that you will succeed. It's not like you to let negative thoughts intrude on your mind but this week it will be harder than usual to keep them at bay. Focus only on what is good in your life.

Money and shelter (and food) concerns are coming to the forefront. Hard not to be stressed and concerned rather than hopeful. But I have to take care of them, no matter what.

I just flipped through Robert Shemin's book "How Come That Idiot's Rich and I'm Not?" and it basically gives the same advice. Act and believe things are going to be good and it will be. Ive totally seen and experienced the power of doing that, so Im already a convert.


Anonymous said...

I don't see the Starbucks reload.
Just sayin...

cindy said...

joey, these los angeles fotos def have a diff vibe than san fran. am loving it !

cindy said...

and poo's right--it's almost our birthday and all. hee!

Joe Pennant said...

Poo : After all that, Starbux couldnt save my information. Merc Rx maybe?

cyn: Different energy, different choices.

Joe Pennant said...

Ok, Poo - done. I couldnt figure out how to make the link reload the specific card, but there ya go. :)