Thursday, January 24, 2002

Apparently, I am breaking NY municipal law.

Im frequently expectorating * as I deal with NY's latest bug.

Its defining characteristic is a deep continuous cough. Caught it almost as soon as I hit New York. Serves me right.

Now, I gain strength from the hacking smoker's like coughing all around me.

The cough is so endemic and uncontrollable, that people try to bum cigarettes from me several times a day..

"Can I get a cigarette off you, big man?"
"No man.. I dont smoke... *HACK cough cough cough* "
"You dont got any?"
" *cough cough cough.. I. Dont. SMOKE."
(eyes narrowed, with a disbelieving look) "Oh. aright."
*cough cough HACK.. ptui!*

The internet cafe, subways and buses resound with the coughing....

And the *splat* of large loogies.

Hey, Im a responsible citizen. I spit into the rapidly melting snow/ice piles.

* informative link on the wonderful qualities of spit via george

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