Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Catching up in Berkeley

Went to Kinkos with a machine for hi-speed connectivity...

So I got on IM.

Naturally, Kate sees me online when I do this, and is quite pissed now (and a lil hurt) cuz I didnt make an effort to be on when she's at work. Like Im lying about not being able to be on IM...

Now I gotta make an effort to make it up to her. And she's gonna give me all kindsa shit.

*sigh* :-)

I know its cuz she cares...

Plus, she's allowed.

In any case, I saw another person I hadnt talked to in months.

mars : jp!
JPennant : whassup dahlin :-)
mars : i've been waiting for you for forever. lol
mars : how ya doin?
JPennant : Heh.. sorry bout that. Im hangin in there :-)
mars : what have you been up to these days?
mars : happy new year btw!!!
JPennant : Ditto :-)
JPennant : Im merely Itinerant in Berkeley right now
mars : lol i saw
JPennant : no munny, no job - the usual :-)
mars : =-P
JPennant : I had wondered if you'd forgotten about me ;-)
JPennant : silly me
mars : never. i left a message on your blog a while back. lol

JPennant : how ya doin bhurdie?

catching up

JPennant : so anyways.. yeah, Berkeley
JPennant : I can see why u miss it.
mars : i'm looking at all your pictures.
mars : nostalgic. hehe
mars : but it IS damn cold
JPennant : good god, yes.
JPennant : Now I can see why you froze yer ass off here.
mars : try living in a place with bad insulation and with a bedroom so far from the lone heater. *sob*
JPennant : OOOOOH
JPennant : Man, NOW I know what you went through!
mars : i think i would've liked living there better if that weren't the case
JPennant : YES indeedy
mars : oh...and that whole walking to the BART station thing...every morning
mars : so do you have your warm clothing finally?
mars : or is it still in florida? haha
JPennant : Yes. It came in November. Just in time.
mars : woohoo!
mars : you are lucky =P
JPennant : here is the irony
JPennant : I STILL freeze my arse off with most of my warm clothes
mars : hahaha
mars : lots and lots of layers
mars : and hot coffee
JPennant : the only one that is warm is my OLD wool lined storm jacket that Ive had for 15 years
JPennant : the irony is the THINNEST jacket out of all of them.
mars : hahaha
JPennant : but then again, it stood up to chicago weather :-)
mars : poor joe
JPennant : Eh, Im alright. Just adjusting
mars : yesterday was a really cold day here (relatively of course) i was wearing a sweater on a sweater! I felt sheepish for being so cold considering it would be a high in berkeley. haha
JPennant : heheh. dont feel shame. Cold is Cold :-)

mars : hey, where did you take all these pictures of flowers and plants?
JPennant : Wanna hear the story? ;-)
mars : sure!
JPennant : Someone told me I should look down and take pictures of the plants coming out of the cracks in the sidewalks
JPennant : to my surprise, when I did I found all these flowers
JPennant : the flowers are everywhere in Berkeley.
mars : i know!
mars : i always loved looking at them on my way to the bart
mars : lots of roses!
JPennant : Yup. So, I started taking the pictures
mars : i tried..but they didn't come out nearly as nice as yours
mars : =)
JPennant : well, I worked just a tad hard to get those ;-)
mars : =)

JPennant : Anyway, so yah - Berkeley.
JPennant : I like it here. I wonder how long I'll be staying.
mars : berkeley...i hope you live there long, so i can live vicariously thru you
JPennant : heheh
JPennant : You thinking you might come back from Hawaii for even a visit in your lifetime?
mars : i'm hoping this summer..but we'll see
JPennant : good :-)
JPennant : I was thinking you'd never come back here
mars : haha
mars : never?
JPennant : never
JPennant : You know.. put it behind you, nothing for you here etc.

mars : well, there are still a couple friends for this year at least
mars : the good roomie graduates this year
JPennant : Ive noticed a lot of Berkeley students are from LA
JPennant : mostly the asian ones Ive met actually
mars : yep, that's where she's from
JPennant : I wonder why that is?
mars : i still remember...she came to cal because ucla wouldn't let her in
JPennant : ahhh
mars : i thought that was funny
mars : isn't cal the better, smarter scoool?
JPennant : waitaminnit.. UCLA has higher admission standards???? You gotta be kiddin
JPennant : Or is it more students trying to get in?
mars : no clue
JPennant : Eh, you know me.. I'll get to the bottom of that mystery ;-)
mars : hahah
mars : let me know what you find out
JPennant : will do :-)

JPennant : awright.. Kinko Berkeley closes in an hour, Im gonna go wrap it up
mars : ok. have fun
mars : it was really nice talking to you again
JPennant : same here :-)
mars : oh!
mars : i need your mailing address
JPennant : Oh, hm. Im so transient, Im scared to give you one.
mars : lol
mars : any place you'll be in the next 1-2 weeks?
JPennant : I jst dont want my stuff sitting all around at other peoples places
mars : true. well, just let me know if you want me to send your stuff =)
JPennant : I will. I think I'll have you send it to a clients PO Box. He's scrupulous, will get it to me.
mars : =)
JPennant : Ironically, he's in Hawaii right now. heehee
mars : haha lucky
JPennant : Nah, the hippies of Berkeley all get to Hawaii regularly
mars : =-D
JPennant : A good portion of them come from affluent families, remember?
mars : oh that's true huh
JPennant : seems to be for some of em.
JPennant : ok m'dear - Im out. And as someone always tells me.. smile ;-)
mars : byebye! keep warm!
JPennant : heheh, Im gonna try :-)

Think I'll bounce a Berkeley image mix later just for her.

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