Friday, July 11, 2003

Fast reflections

Back in Chicago
, many many years ago, a friend (California native, natch) introduced me to practical fasting. He would fast once a week (a thursday or friday), eating just fruit or drinking sweet tea to keep his sugar level up so he wouldnt get disoriented as the day went on.

I tried it back then (and liked the concept), and although I didnt do it regularly, I would do it on occasion.
I didnt do it more because I was afraid of the hunger pangs, really.. actually the *discomfort* of hunger pangs.

Well, when things got tough over the last few years - I remembered the principles and learned to live with not eating. Grew to (and I choose my words carefully) like it. Not love it, but I liked the physical and intangible benefits of lean.
This helped make clear the physical and metaphysical differences between "nourishment", "feeling full" and "sated".
It cleaned me up on many levels, and as long it wasnt TRUE hunger, I realized I was fine.

With the generosity of the Berkeley community.. Ive been eating well. Very well.

Almost too well.

So today, Ive decided to do a fast. A coffee and a donut for the sugar and caffiene, water regularly and .. theres my fast.

Once I get past the hunger pangs, Im good.

julez: you're up early these days :-)
JPennantSF: heh. yeah, nothing like revellie at 5:30 am
julez: eeeek!
JPennantSF: heh
julez: hope you've been resting well
JPennantSF: Im ok
JPennantSF: looking for a bit of internal peace and quiet.
JPennantSF: gonna do a fast today
julez: oooooooo
JPennantSF: clean out my system
JPennantSF: yeah
julez: fasts make me grumpy
JPennantSF: heh, nah.. not one of those strict fasts
julez: hehe
julez: how do you do it?
JPennantSF: coffee and donuts and water
julez: hahaha!!!
julez: ok i can do that :-)
JPennantSF: just keep the sugar level up (fruits or some sort of honeyed liquid)
JPennantSF: so that you dont get disoriented
julez: i see, that's cool
JPennantSF: i dont do sodas though
julez: nod
julez: wrong kinds of ingredients?
JPennantSF: yeah, sodas.. too much sugar, sodium and whatnot
JPennantSF: yeah, Ive been eating regularly, and right now with the drama Im getting the tendency to overeat
JPennantSF: feeling out of sorts
JPennantSF: so, its gonna be a reflective day
julez: sounds like a good plan
JPennantSF: I even liked the simple starvation plan
JPennantSF: all I ate for awhile was garlic rice
JPennantSF: felt good actually
julez: yeah? :-)
JPennantSF: yeah, a little protein for awhile.. and I was fine. felt nourished
julez: nod

julez: :-)
julez: i like your kind of fast
JPennantSF: apart from the physical discomfort of hunger pangs, its actually pretty cool
JPennantSF: and to go into WTMI territory
JPennantSF: ready?
julez: what's WTMI?
JPennantSF: "Way too much Information" :-)
JPennantSF: heheheh
julez: hehe sure
JPennantSF: I kinda liked not going to the toilet as much and when I did, the waste is minimal.
JPennantSF: now, with the regular meals
JPennantSF: eh
JPennantSF: just too much stuff recently
julez: hehe i see
JPennantSF: so, the fast cleans me out
JPennantSF: gives it time to clear out
JPennantSF: There is something to be said for the ascetic viewpoint
julez: nod

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