Tuesday, July 08, 2003

My counselor explains it all

The real deal
on PMS

julez: yeah, it does affect your mood, some women more than others
julez: some women get pretty nuts
JPennant: goodness
julez: hmm, how about this: you know how you don't like to get drunk because you don't like the loss of control?
julez: PMS makes some women lose control of their emotions
JPennant: Ive always wondered how women manage in public when theyre going thru it.
JPennant: How do they function?
julez: drugs, caffeine, go into hiding
julez: put on the "don't fuck with me" face
JPennant: ah
julez: yeah, all those jokes about women PMSing, majority of the time they aren't really jokes
julez: it's no wonder some women think God is punishing them
JPennant: caffiene?
julez: caffeine helps some and makes others worse
julez: mood and with bloating
julez: it's a diuretic
JPennant: okie
julez: hehe other than my husband i don't think i've ever discussed PMS with anyone before, this is funny
julez: once you get to know the cycle its much easier
JPennant: ah good to hear :-)
julez: heck, before hubby told me I didn't even know i had a cycle!
julez: hahaha!
JPennant: oh yeah?
julez: yeah, my symptoms are pretty mild compared to most, so i never noticed that i changed at all
julez: but he noticed the difference
julez: i never have to tell him it was "that time of the month"
JPennant: he just showed you the bruiises :-)
julez: lol!!!

JPennant: It used to be so much easier
JPennant: "Clueless, the Good Ol' Days"
julez: com'on, it's not that hard to remember :-)
julez: the flip side is you start noticing when she's most in the mood
JPennant: ooooh :-)
julez: hahahaha!!!
julez: i knew that would catch your attention
JPennant: hehehehe'

On pregnancy

julez: okay i gotta eat lunch
JPennant: whatcha gettin?
julez: leftovers from dinner, curry on rice
JPennant: mm
julez: then i'm gonna go to the gym, i signed up again
JPennant: *GASP*
julez: hopefully a little bit of exercise will make me feel better at night
JPennant: but.. but .. butbut.. youre PREGNANT!!
JPennant: :-)
julez: hehehehe
julez: i'm thru the worst of the morning sickness, now it's just evening sickness
JPennant: vomiting?
julez: no vomit, just nauseous and unable to think
julez: after 6:30 i'm useless
JPennant: pregnancy brings brain farts?
julez: i've heard some women get very absent-minded, but i passed my master's exams with flying colors while pregnant with my son
julez: so i'm hoping baby #2 will bring me luck with finishing in December
JPennant: So pregnancy helps with cramming? ;-)
julez: who's cramming? :-)
JPennant: heheheh

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